78 Victor Avenue

No Details

80 Victor Avenue

People live in this house

81 Victor Avenue

Hooray the purple is gone.

Kudos to the new owners for restoring the front back to brick.

Love the lighted house sign

New owners are Colin and Martin!! Great job on the purple guys!

82 Victor Avenue

83 Victor Avenue

87 Victor Avenue

Another of the last chain link front fences on Victor

85 Victor Avenue

This is one of the few chain link front yard fences left on Victor. For some reason many people started in the 1960’s to fence off their front yard. As houses were renovated, the chain link fences disappeared.

What is the reason for the fences? Was it the style? We only own about 10′ from the front of our houses so it is partly city property that is being fenced. In Cabbagetown the yards were fenced to guard the vegetables.

92 Victor Avenue

This house must be sitting on the site of 84, 86, 88 and 90 Victor Avenue as they don’t exist. In fact it even eliminated some houses across the street. It is being renovated for the second time in less than 1o years and was vacant for many years before that.

93 Victor Avenue

This house stood empty for a long time but finally the owner rented and there have been tenants since September. See comments to follow.

95 Victor Avenue

Liam and Noreen live here. I hope her name is Noreen as I have been referring to her as Loraine for 4 months. Actually I think I called Liam, Ian for 2 years.

They have created the most wonderful railing. She designed and had it executed locally.

96 Victor Avenue

Another house with no details

97 Victor Avenue

99 Victor Avenue

One gnome left.

This house was once home to many front yard gnomes but they seem to have moved on leaving only one gnome to defend the house and encourage the ivy to grow over to and cover the neighbour’s house.

100 Victor Avenue

No details