73 Victor Avenue

The lot beside this house was severed to create 71 Victor Avenue.

See that blue Honda Civic in the backyard. Has anyone ever seen it move.


Rob and Russell and their Wheaten Terrier, Oscar, bought the house in 1992. Russell died and Oscar moved to Edmonton. Now, Rob and Chip live there. No pets

Winter Parking

Guess what? December 1 is the beginning of no parking on the north side of the street. Twelve parking spaces disappear for four months.

106 Victor Avenue

Parking Saga-Speed Bumps

Hi Everyone:

For those of you who have not been following my correspondence with Paula Fletcher’s office under the comment section, let me bring you up to date. It seems as though we will not have another opportunity to change the parking situation until next year. Paula Fletcher’s office is suggesting that we work collectively on a solution that will pass another vote, but they will not work on another ballot before a years time. So lets all think over the winter and dream up parking opportunities that work for all of us.

As for speeding and speed bumps. There was a study done on Victor Ave. in 2005, and we did not qualify for speed bumps because the percentage of speeding was not high enough. (IE: people on average only exceeded the speed limit by 5 km/hr on average.) My point to their office was one of child safety, and that I felt that 40 km/hr on Victor was too fast, and pointed out that other streets such as Langely and Riverdale have a speed limit of 30 km/hr, while ours is the same as Broadview.

We have a couple of options here. We can petition for speed bumps again. Apparently we are allowed to every three years, but possibly sooner if there was enough noise from residents on the street. My concern is that the City’s process for speed bumps of having a traffic survey will come up with the same results as 2005, and we will once again not qualify. We can however petition the City to reduce the speed limit to 30 km/hr with “Children Playing” signs, and that is much easier to accomplish. We could then ask the police to enforce the new speed limit, and by next fall, ask for speed bumps. Surely then we would qualify if they were still needed.

What do people think? I am prepared to write the petition, and would require endorsement from other residents on the street. Please let me know if you would like to help, or have any examples of how unsafe the current speed limit is, to help formulate the letter. Talk to your neighbors who may not be on the blog, and ask them to e-mail me at KSPotvin@gmail.com with their ideas. I was told that an actual petition was not required to reduce the speed limit, but rather just some indications of how unsafe it is, with an endorsement from as many neighbors as possible.

On-Street Parking – Extension of "Permit Holders Only" Hours

Dear Residents of Victor Avenue:

Early in September, Councillor Fletcher’s office distributed a ballot to residents of Victor Avenue between Broadview and Howland Avenues. The ballot requested each resident to cast their vote in respect of a proposal to extend the current “permit holders only” parking times to include the period from 4.00pm until 8.00pm, Monday through Friday (similar to Simpson Avenue). This ballot was raised following the receipt of a signed petition containing 40 addresses in favour of this change. I collected these signatures in the time period from May until September.

The results of the ballot were 33 to 19 against changing the current “permit holders only” parking times. As a result, a communication was issued from Councillor Fletchers office stating that “guided by the wishes of the majority……I will not be requesting that this change be made”.

Following receipt of this communication, I drafted a response to Councillor Fletcher outlining that while the results of the ballot on their own did not appear to signify majority support for the proposal as presented, nevertheless, the petition containing signatures from 40 addresses on the street did (at the very least) indicate a significant degree of frustration by permit holders in regards to the current on-street parking situation. In summary, I requested the support of Councillor Fletcher’s office in helping to identify a parking solution for permit holders which would be acceptable to the majority of residents on Victor Avenue. As suggestions, I listed the following alternatives:

> create an equal number of “permit holder only” spots on the south side which are effective during the period when the “permit holder only” spots on the north side are not available (i.e. from December 1st until March 31st);

> extending the period when the existing “permit holder only” spots on the north side are available. Currently, they are available from April 1st until November 30th. Perhaps this period could be extended by one month or so, to allow availability of these spots to residents for a longer period of time;

> modify the existing proposal such that the “permit holder only” period is shorter. Instead of from 4pm until 8pm, Monday thru Friday, shorten this to from 5pm until 7pm, Monday thru Thursday;

> Further, since the most difficult time of the year for residents to find a parking spot is from Dec. 1st until Mar. 31st (the period when the “permit holder only” spots on the north side are no longer available), this last alternative could be modified so that it applies only to the period Dec. 1st until Mar. 31st and not for the full year.

My e-mail response to Councillor Fletcher was sent on the 16th of October. To date, I have not received a reply. I’m disappointed and frustrated by the lack of assistance from the Councillor Fletcher’s office.

Despite the results of the ballot and the rejection of the proposal put forward, I feel that majority support for some form of change to the current permit holder parking situation on the street could be obtained providing the proposal was acceptable to both permit holders and non-permit holders alike. Once drafted, my goal is to recirculate a petition to gather signatures in support of this new proposal.

To assist me in drafting this proposal, and to ensure that the new proposal is acceptable to the majority of residents, I would like your suggestions on what the proposal should be. If you are in support of one of the alternatives already presented to Councillor Fletcher in my response above, then please let me know. If you would like to propose another alternative not currently considered, then please feel free to let me know this too.

I look forward to receving your feedback.

Best regards,

Stephen G. McDonnell

1 Victor Avenue

First house on the street. They own the building beside them on Broadview. That building was the original home for Nellies – a shelter for abused women.

3 Victor Avenue

New comments and pictures coming (since last year) and a story about the limbless jockey. Here is a collection of limbed jockies and some found underwear.

The Limbless Jockey
Limbed Jockies

4, 6 and 8 Victor Avenue formerly known as only 8 Victor Avenue

The was once one beautiful house that was torn down to build these prison housing units.

When the houses were built we were shown drawings of lovely Victorian homes and this is what they allowed to go up. They are the ugliest homes on the street and I am surprised a city that dedicated to its heritage allowed them to be built.

48/50 used to be as unattractive until they were refaced a few years ago.

In 1911
These people lived in the house that was torn down in the early 1980’s

8 Victor Ave

44 40 Adie Edward 8 Victor Ave M Head M May 1845 66

45 40 Adie Katherine F Wife M Dec 1848 62

46 40 Ashton Ursla F Domestic S Mar 1870 41

5 Victor Avenue

Dorothy, Julia and Michael

This house is two apartments

Parking Spot Found

I just found a great way to find parking on Victor. I went to the satellite shot at the bottom of this page and pushed the + and then searched up and down the street until I found an empty parking spot. I think this one is near 5 Victor Avenue. So now I can phone my guests and tell them where to park.

Hope they update the satellite hourly.

Parking Problems on Victor Avenue

Solution to Parking?

This was received from Paula Fletcher about Parking

From: Councillor Fletcher
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 10:52:56 -0400
To: Councillor Fletcher

Subject: Re: RESULTS – Victor Avenue Permit Parking

Dear Friend,

In September I received a petition from residents of Victor Avenue, from Broadview to Howland, asking to add permit parking only hours on this block. The proposal was to add 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to the existing overnight hours. The petition represented a lot of time and effort by local residents.

In response to the petition, ballots were hand-delivered by my staff to every home on this block so you could all express your opinions regarding the proposed change. More than 50 people took the time to vote.

33 people voted against the change and 19 people voted in favour. I promised to be guided by the wishes of the majority of residents therefore, I will not be requesting that this change be made.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote.



92 Victor Avenue

This house must be sitting on the site of 84, 86, 88 and 90 Victor Avenue as they don’t exist. In fact it even eliminated some houses across the street. It is being renovated for the second time in less than 1o years and was vacant for many years before that.

17 Victor Avenue

Another interesting duplex

19 Victor Avenue

No details

20 Victor Avenue

This house has housed two famous people Alf Shrubb and Thomas Foster.

Current Owner

Rumour has it that the current owner owns the 3 houses on Broadview between Victor and Langley. Yes, that includes the new Bridal Shoppe and all the dreams that go with it.

The current owner also owns the house next door 28 Victor. Again 22, 24 and 26 Victor have been swallowed up.

Past Owners
1. Alf Shrub – famous runner

2. Thomas Foster – a former Mayor of Toronto

Alf Shrubb, found in the 1911 census, used to live in this house. He was a very famous runner.

Census 1911

20 Victor Ave

12 44 Shrubb Alf 20 Victor Ave M Head M Dec 1878 32

13 44 Shrubb Ada E. F Wife M Aug 1879 32

14 44 Shrubb John Roy M Son S Nov 1906 4

15 44 Brown John M Father in law W Jan 1848 63

Alf is listed as born in England and classified as an Athlete.

The Man

by Rob Hadgraft

BORN in December 1879, Alf Shrubb was the fifth child of working class couple William and Harriet residents of the pretty rural Sussex village of Slinfold.

Times were tough for men like William Shrubb, who worked hard on the land to provide for his young family. The nation was gripped by a major agricultural depression at the time, made worse by a succession of wet summers and failing produce prices. The situation led to many farm workers quitting and turning to other methods of earning a living. This was true of William Shrubb, who moved his family the short journey into the nearby town of Horsham, where he became a builder’s jobber. The family set up home d in Trafalgar Road.

Horsham was a relatively prosperous town, despite the woes of the farming community. And there was good news for the local economy when the famous Christ’s Hospital School of London announced it was buying land just outside Horsham in order to build itself a brand new home. The school was well known for the fact that its boys wore Tudor-style costumes and were known as The Blue Coat Boys.

Building the new school was a huge project that would take many years and would provide plenty of work for local men like William Shrubb. As young Alf entered his teens, he too was able to find work at the school building site. He worked as a labourer and as an apprentice carpenter.

By now Alf had developed a love for the fresh air and open spaces of the countryside and one of his favourite activities was to set off on foot in pursuit of the local fox-hunt. His speed, agility and local knowledge would see him often well ahead of the pack of hounds and the following horsemen. Little did he realise that these long and difficult runs were providing the stamina and training base for a future career as a runner.

More often than not, Alf would choose to run to work, too, a habit that seemed perfectly natural to him, but would cause great amusement among his workmates. In the late 19th century road-runners were not the common sight they are today!

Having broken into the word of competitive athletics in 1899, Shrubb quickly made friends and admirers in the sporting world. He was a very popular figure and many would remark on his approachable nature and his natural modesty.

Sporting neat slicked back hair and an impressive black moustache, Shrubb cut a small, slim and dapper figure – and it was no surprise that as his fame grew, the sporting press coined the nickname ‘The Little Wonder’ for him.

Having experienced at close hand the intricacies and intrigues created by the great professional and amateur divide in athletics, Shrubb soon became an astute and shrewd operator. In common with many runners before and after him, he learned how he could use his wonderful talent to its best possible advantage and continue to entertain his adoring public, despite the fact that officially he couldn’t earn a living from his sport.

Race promoters from all over the United Kingdom – and further afield – showed themselves willing to make arrangements that would enable Shrubb to race regularly in front of big crowds. And he would not be out of pocket for doing so. Sometimes Shrubb benefited from loopholes in the old AAA rules, sometimes he surely contravened them. When the AAA decided to clamp down and banned him for life in 1905 for offences against amateurism, Shrubb received an unprecedented level of goodwill and sympathy from the sporting press, colleagues and the general public. Most folk seemed to think that Shrubb was simply a victim of a bad system and felt he could still hold his head high.

For his part, Shrubb decided to turn fully professional and use the last few years of his running career to make a good living for his young family. He made his professional debut in London a few days before marrying Ada Brown, the daughter of a hotel keeper in Haywards Heath. On the night of their wedding Shrubb had a further running engagement at London Olympia, and his bride must have been more than a little bewildered as their wedding ceremony was followed by a dash to London where her new husband changed into his running kit, and the happy couple were given a special welcome by a huge cheering crowd.

Within a few years Alf and his wife would have three more mouths to feed, following the arrival of a son Roy, and daughters Norah and Nancy. Despite these new responsibilities, and although there were other options open to him, Alf was keen that running should be his principal source of income while he was still fit enough to run at a high standard.

His natural taste for adventure and a love of travel stood him in good stead as he set off on a solo trip to the USA where he believed he could earn good money on the blossoming pro running circuit in the New York and Boston areas. If things worked out, he would send for his family to follow on and join him. To his horror there was nobody to meet him at harbourside, New York and his introduction to Uncle Sam was frankly a rather miserable and lonely experience.

Within a short while, however, his determination and patience paid off, and once he’d made contact with the right people his pro career took off. By the end of 1907 thousands of sports fans in the USA and Canada knew who Alf Shrubb was. He was soon able to command huge sums as he took on and beat the best runners America could offer. He raced entire relay teams on his own and event took on horses when no human runners could be found to give him decent race!

By the age of 40 he was naturally beginning to slow up and, in any case, the world of pro running was on the decline. Shrubb turned to new ways of making a living, and after a stint coaching students at Harvard and then Oxford University, he made his home permanently in Canada in 1928.

He worked at the Cream of Barley mill in Bowmanville, Ontario, some 40 miles east of Toronto, where one of the continent’s favourite breakfast cereals was produced. Before long Shrubb was put in charge of a tourist camp and zoo that was developed alongside the handsome old mill. Shrubb’s love of animals and nature in general made him a natural for the job. There were horses, goats, foxes, a moose, Persian lambs, racoons, a golden eagle, minks and deer, among other things.

Although he missed the days of competition on the running tracks and cross country fields of old England, Shrubb loved his new life and would often bump into people who remembered his heyday as a sportsmen. He was hit by a double blow in 1946, however, when wife Ada died after many years of suffering badly from rheumatoid arthritis. His business partner James Lake Morden also passed away, and before long Shrubb decided to sell his interests in the tourist camp and mill and take life easier.

By the end of the 1939-45 War, Shrubb was well into his sixties but used to run and walk all over the area and kept himself exceptionally fit well into old age. In his later years he was looked after by his daughters Nancy and Norah. The latter is still living in Bowmanville in 2005 and now into her nineties.

In 1964, not long after slipping and damaging his ribs in his bathtub at Norah’s house, Shrubb was taken ill and died in hospital in Bowmanville. Appropriately, perhaps, for a patriot who loved representing his country, Shrubb passed away on St George’s Day. He was 84.

Thomas Foster (Source)

Thomas Foster

July 24, 1852 – December 10, 1945)
was the Mayor of Toronto, Ontario, Canada from 1925 to 1927.

Thomas Foster is reported to have been born in Vaughan road in the Dufferin Area of Toronto in 1852, the son of John Towst and Frances Foster, and grandson of Robert Foster and Mary Hodgson of Patrington Parish in the Hull area of Yorkshire England.

His sister, Eliza was born in England. John’s brothers Edward and Robert, and sister, Harriet, and the mother of came to Canada and settled in the Leaskdale area of Scott Township Ontario County. Edward was a shoemaker, John T. and Robert were proprietors of the hotel at Leaskdale, and were farmers at different times. Harriet, a widow and the mother, lived with Robert and wife and family.

At fifteen years of age and in very modest circumstances, Tom went to Toronto to apprentice as a butcher in the Queen Street and Berkeley area. He worked as a drover, errand boy and butcher for three years, emerging as a well qualified butcher. A field near Berkeley Street served as a holding area for the stock which they killed and butchered themselves. He started his own business between Berkeley and Ontario Streets on Queen which became quite successful through hard work and honest dealings.
He bought his own shop and began investing his savings in real estate. After eighteen years in the business, he retired and went into municipal politics. He served first as a member for St. David’s riding in 1891, then as controller, later as a member to the Federal Government in Ottawa, and finally as Mayor of Toronto, 1925, 1926 and 1927. After his defeat in 1928, he quit politics to travel, and it was at this time that the idea of the Memorial was born.
After considerable travel, he returned to his home at 20 Victor Avenue aided by his Chinese servant.

His young daughter, Ruby died in 1904 at the age of 10, and his wife, Elizabeth McCauley, whom he married in 1893, died in 1920.